One of the most important things you can have is confidence. Having self-confidence enables you to feel good about yourself and keep doubt at bay. And what can get you started on your journey to becoming more confident? These motivational affirmations for confidence!
While confidence isn’t necessarily super easy to build and there can definitely be setbacks sometimes, I assure you it’s worth it to do the work and become more confident. This will help you go after your dreams, reach your goals and change your life.
A person who isn’t confident and instead feels insecure about themself often holds themself back and doesn’t do things they want to do. This means that your quality of life can unfortunately be worse if you don’t work on this problem.
The good news is that while improving your self-confidence isn’t the easiest thing to do, it’s totally doable and you can make progress relatively fast. This means that you can increase your happiness and quality of life even in a few days. Naturally becoming a truly confident person takes longer than that, but even one step forward is already a victory!
I have written these confidence affirmations specifically to help you believe in yourself more, take chances and take action. Because it’s action that will really change your life.
How can affirmations boost your self-confidence
As said, building your self-confidence will definitely take some time. In a way, it’s a lifelong process. But don’t let this scare you: becoming even a bit more confident will make your life easier, so you can start reaping the benefits very soon!
Affirmations work by slowly but surely changing how you think. They help you let go of negative thinking and start fostering a healthier, positive mindset instead.
When you use these affirmations, you will immediately feel a bit better and a bit more confident. You can get the energy and willpower you need to do something you’ve been putting off. You can feel braver and more capable.
Affirmations can boost your confidence right away by helping you believe in yourself. And as you keep using these confidence affirmations regularly, you will constantly give your confidence a little boost that will help you take the next step on yoru self-confidence journey.
48 Affirmations for confidence
1. I am good the way I am.
2. I am confident.
3. I have a lot of valuable skills and experience.
4. I can survive anything like I have everything in the past.
5. I like challenges and seeing how far I can go.
6. I feel good about myself.
7. I like who I am.
8. I have done a lot of impressive things and I am proud of myself.
9. I am a positive person and things turn out well for me.
10. I work on my self-esteem and become more confident every day.
11. I am a powerful, confident woman.
12. I know my self-worth and set boundaries where I want to.
13. I choose the people I allow in my life.
14. I can do anything.
15. My opportunities are limitless and I am allowed to try and do anything I want.
16. I believe in myself and my chances to have the life I want to have.
17. I attract success and happiness.
18. I inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
19. I can achieve all of my goals.
20. I choose to be confident even when I have doubts.
21. Being confident makes my life better and more enjoyable.
22. I create my own future.
23. I choose what my life is like and who I am.
24. I feel safe around people.
25. I am brave and I like to take risks.
26. I am worth taking care of.
27. I love myself.
28. I can conquer any challenge.
29. What I do on a daily basis is impressive.
30. It makes sense for me to be confident.
31. I see myself as a success.
32. I am proud of my achievements.
33. I stand up straight and look people in the eye.
34. My opportunities are limitless.
35. Determination is my middle name.
36. I am bold, assertive, and self-assured.
37. I have endless amounts of energy and optimism.
38. I overcome my fears because I can.
39. Every new experience makes me stronger and more capable.
40. I always think positively.
41. I choose to be brave.
42. It’s easy for me to learn new skills.
43. I can change myself if I choose to.
44. I talk to myself positively.
45. I am resilient and determined.
46. I can become the best version of myself.
47. I am a good, deserving person.
48. When I think about myself, I feel confident.
How to use affirmations for confidence
Using these affirmations is very simple! Basically, you just need to pick the ones that resonate with you and take some time to go through them on a daily basis. You can use them by:
1. Reciting them out loud a few times
2. Writing them down
3. Saying them aloud in front of a mirror
4. Write them on sticky notes and put them in places where you can see them often
5. Use them as your wallpaper or screensaver on your laptop or phone
The important thing is that you really take your time to think about the affirmation instead of just quickly reading it and moving on. It’s also important to not just use them for a couple of days and then forget about them: to become more confident, you need to really work on this and stick with this for a long time.
Final thoughts on confidence affirmations
It’s not always easy to be confident, especially if in the past people have made you feel insecure about who you are and what you can do. But no matter what has happened in the past, you shouldn’t let it dictate your whole life. Confidence is something you can learn and boost. You can absolutely work on it and start feeling more confident.
This is also something you definitely want to do: being more confident will help you get more out of life and have the courage to seize new opportunities. It will reduce the time you spend worrying about things and feeling bad about yourself. It will make you seem more interesting in other people’s eyes.
In other words, there’s no reason not to put in the effort and work to become more confident. It will absolutely help you and make your life better.
The very easiest way there is to work on your self-confidence is to use affirmations. Self-confidence affirmations will help you make progress fast. They can literally change how you feel about yourself in a matter of seconds. Of course, long-lasting change requires more than reciting a random affirmation a couple of times. But if you use these affirmations every day and take a conscious effort to work on your self-confidence, you will definitely start seeing results soon!
So pick a few of these affirmations for confidence and use them on a daily basis. It will absolutely be worth it.
You can also use these affirmations for personal growth to get even further on your journey! Make sure to share this post as well, it helps me a lot!